Bold Brand Breakthrough

Date Range
Session Type
Special Event/Performance

This Bold Brand Breakthrough session will teach choral organizations the power branding holds to plan a strategic path forward and make opportunities happen. Learn how lasting, trusted arts brands are informed by research, designed to a higher purpose, and lived out in organizational community culture. Participants will leave with eye-opening insight into building their operational capacity through transformative tools to create a more compelling and purposeful brand. Workshop education is grounded in DRMTM’s exclusive branding process and real client case-studies with lots of before and after brand makeovers to underscore concepts. 

In-Depth Seminars are separately ticketed events for a $100 fee.


Surale Phillips Headshot
DRMTM Partner, Brand Research
Profound Insight. As head of research, Surale delivers the A-HA! moments that change your brand game. Her superpower is data, bringing laser-like focus to questions and answers about your mission’s...
Laura Bessinger-Morse Headshot
DRMTM Partner, Brand Messaging
Transformative Words. Laura’s magic is in the written brand, connecting your mission to the community through messaging that is compelling, human, and authentic. But what makes her craft so powerful...
Cheryl Headshot
DRMTM Partner, Brand Design
Captivating, Meaningful Design. Over her 30 years as a graphic designer and creative professional, Cheryl’s enviable gift for style evolved with a mission-driven intent to design brands that move and...
Kheli Willetts Headshot
DRMTM Director, Brand Culture and Implementation
Growth, Strategy, and Inspiration. Kheli serves as DRMTM’s brand culture operations and DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access) consultant. Her 25 years as a leader in the nonprofit and...

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