Closing Plenary: Emotional Intelligence for Adaptive Leaders

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Choral leaders excel in the technical and artistic aspects of running their organizations, but few leaders ever receive training in adaptive leadership - the human-to-human side of the job. Leading is inherently emotional work and the problems that keep us up at night can often be about people in addition to spreadsheets. 

Plenary speaker Matt Taylor will share how emotional intelligence can build adaptive leadership skills that will benefit leaders across organizations and support the relationships between administrative leaders, artistic leaders, board chairs, and boards. This learning-by-doing plenary will guide participants through a “5-square” framework and provide new language to take home, equipping everyone in your organization with the tools to be an adaptive leader. 


Matt Taylor Headshot
Founder and CEO, The Noble Story Group
Matt Taylor is the CEO and founder of The Noble Story Group- a leadership coaching and training group that operationalizes Emotional Intelligence (EI). Matt has coached and trained hundreds of...

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