
Exhibitors: Details and Rates

We can't wait to welcome our exhibitors to Baltimore to connect in-person with Conference attendees once again this June! Exhibitors at the Chorus America Conference enjoy unique access to top leaders in the choral field at our flagship annual event, as well as recognition in numerous Conference materials and Chorus America communication channels. There will be exhibit hours on all three days of the In-Person Event in Baltimore, June 15-17.

$750 $1,100*




*includes one-year Business Membership


Reserve your space early and maximize the value of your Conference experience!

Your visibility goes the furthest—and the value of your Conference presence goes up—when you register in time to be included in key 2022 Conference milestone opportunities:

  • By March 25: Visibility at the Online Event April 7-8 with a customizable organization page on the online Conference platform and click-through logos
  • By April 25: Inclusion in the Conference edition of the Voice magazine and the Corporate Highlight Email distributed to all attendees
Register Now

Ready to reserve your exhibitor space for June 2022? Click here to secure your table today!


Begin a Conversation

KellyAnn Nelson, Associate Director of Development

[email protected] | 202.331.7577 x.241

Schedule a 30-minute conversation with KellyAnn by clicking here!



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