New Administration, Executive Actions, and Impact on the Choral Community

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Executive actions by the new White House administration are raising many questions for the arts. This week, a January 27 White House memo called for a pause in federal funding while agencies, including the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), begin to implement these orders. While the memo was revoked following court action, agencies are still required to align with the new executive orders from the White House.

We know these executive orders raise many questions for the choral community. As an organization that receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, we share those questions and concerns. We want our community to know we are following this closely and staying in touch with our advocacy partners, government agencies, experts in the field, and others who can help provide information.

Information for NEA Grantees

Federal agency staff are receiving new information from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to guide any impact on existing grants and the implementation of new grant guidelines and awards. The NEA shared the following: 
The National Endowment for the Arts continues to review the recent executive orders and related documents to ensure compliance and provide the required reporting. During the accounting closeout period, the NEA Office of Grants Management continues to receive and review payment requests and typically resumes payment approvals on the first business day of the following month. The NEA will provide more information as it becomes available.

Ongoing Advocacy

Follow executive orders and their rapidly developing impacts with this chart from the National Council of Nonprofits. The chart is being updated with overviews of each executive order and related action.

It is more important than ever that choruses continue speaking up to Congress about the value of NEA and other federal funding to your organization and your broader community. Find and contact your elected officials here. The NEA receives bipartisan support in Congress, and federal funds to states, localities, and direct grantees reach across the United States. Congress is currently considering funding decisions as the current appropriations agreement expires on March 15.

Stay in touch with us. Please fill out this form to let us know how you expect this order to impact your programs and activities and share your questions.

There are many outstanding questions about how these executive actions will impact our field, and events are developing rapidly. We will continue to share what we learn with our community via email and by posting updates to our High Notes blog as we all move forward together.