NEA Announces Recipients of 2025 Grants

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The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced the recipients of their 2025 grants on January 14, 2025. The NEA will award 1,127 Grants for Arts Projects awards nationwide totaling more than $31.8 million as part of the recent announcement of fiscal year 2025 grants.

Chorus America is honored to be a recipient of a $100,000 award.

“The NEA is proud to continue our nearly 60 years of supporting the efforts of organizations and artists that help to shape our country’s vibrant arts sector and communities of all types across our nation,” said former NEA Chair Maria Rosario Jackson, PhD. The NEA's full announcement can be found here.


We are also thrilled to see many Chorus America members, choral organizations, and partners present in the list of awarded grants, including:                                                                

Angel City Chorale


SNS Choirs

Brooklyn Youth Chorus


The Crossing

Handel and Haydn Society

Lorelei Ensemble

Los Angeles Master Chorale

Pacific Chorale

Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir

Santa Fe Desert Chorale

The Thirteen

Vox Femina Los Angeles

The Washington Chorus