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Applications & Eligibility

Applications for the 2023 Conducting Academy have closed.


Conducting Fellows ($1,300)

The Fellows Program is designed for conductors who have a primary interest in working with choral music and would like to improve their skills working with orchestras. We encourage applications from prospective participants with a combination of experience and training that includes, or is comparable to, some or all of the following:

  • Currently serve as conductors of independent or religiously affiliated choruses, 
  • Currently serve as conductors of choruses affiliated with educational institutions, 
  • Have completed an advanced degree in choral conducting, but do not currently serve as a conductor, and/or 
  • Are currently enrolled in an advanced degree program in conducting. 

Application requirements include:

  • a Letter of Recommendation
  • 3-4 video excerpts totaling 15-20 minutes showcasing the conductor’s best work
    • Performance recordings and/or recordings with orchestra are encouraged but not required; rehearsal recordings are acceptable; single takes are encouraged; no videos of warmups.

There is a $35 application fee. Registration is limited to 12 Fellows. Fellow applicants will be notified by March 15, 2023.

Conducting Scholars ($950) 

The Scholars Program is designed for any conductor or conducting student who wishes to learn and become more comfortable with choral-orchestral conducting. Educational training and experience in the field of choral conducting is assumed. We encourage applications from prospective participants with a combination of experience and training that includes, or is comparable to, some or all of the following:

  • Have experience conducting at an educational institution, or an independent or religiously affiliated chorus, 
  • Have completed an undergraduate program in music, and/or 
  • Are currently enrolled in a master's-level program in music.

Application requirements include:

  • a Letter of Recommendation
  • 3-4 video excerpts totaling 15-20 minutes showcasing the conductor’s best work
    • Performance recordings and/or recordings with orchestra are encouraged but not required; rehearsal recordings are acceptable; single takes are encouraged; no videos of warmups.

There is a $35 application fee. Registration is limited to 16 Scholars. Scholar applicants will be notified no later than April 5, 2023.


*Please note: Registration fees listed do not include travel or accommodations during the week of the Conducting Academy.

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