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Thursday Morning Plenary Session with Salvador Acevedo

Session Type
Special Event/Performance
Session Subtype
Plenary Session

The Times They are A-Changin': How to Remain Relevant When Our Communities Change

In less than one year, Latinos will be the largest ethnic group in California, six more states will have minority-majority populations, and the number of LGBT families will continue to rise. How diverse is the audience and the stage where you perform? Join Salvador Acevedo as he discusses different perspectives on how to increase your relevance by engaging a more diverse constituency. Not all regions in the country are the same, and no two organizations are alike, so no diversity initiative should look the same. You will leave this session ready to start creating your own particular strategy.

Session Host: Ann Meier Baker, president and CEO, Chorus America

Message from the NEA: Wayne Brown, director of music and opera, National Endowment for the Arts

Keynote: Salvador Acevedo, principal, Contemporánea