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Special Event/Performance
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These collaborative, small-group discussions facilitated by peer leaders allow you to discuss challenges and develop solutions to the issues you are facing. Each Roundtable discussion lasts 20 minutes - then it's time to join a different table.

Roundtable Leaders and Topics

Mary Ann Aufderheide, executive director, VocalEssence
Foundation and grant fundraising

Ann Meier Baker, director of music and opera, National Endowment for the Arts
Meet the NEA

Patrick Brown, director of marketing, Los Angeles Master Chorale
Marketing to today’s audiences

Peter Carlson, general manager, The Rose Ensemble
Human resources for choruses

Rhett Del Campo, executive director, Seraphic Fire
Sustainability and board management

Christina DeMarea, COO, and Dave Adams, director of marketing and communications, Chicago Children’s Choir
Keeping children and youth choruses relevant and responsive in the 21st century

Rollo Dilworth, composer and professor of choral music education, Temple University

Matthew Greenberg, executive director, Chicago a cappella
Business collaborations between organizations

David Harris, creator, VoiceScienceWorks
The science of the voice

Robert Istad, director of choral studies, California State University, Fullerton and artistic director designate, Pacific Chorale; Jo-Michael Schiebe, chair, choral and sacred music, University of Southern California Thornton School of Music
Transitioning from academia to independent choruses

Robyn Reeves Lana, founder and managing artistic director, Cincinnati Children’s Choir

Jacob Levine, CEO, Chorus Connection
Technology tips for chorus management

Jonathan Miller, artistic director, Encore Illinois and artistic director, Chicago a cappella
Working with older adult singers

Wendy Moy and Jeremiah Selvey, co-founders, Chorosynthesis
Choruses and social justice

Alice Parker, composer and conductor
Community singing

Michael Pettry, executive director, and Eric Stark, artistic director, Indianapolis Symphonic Choir
Capital campaigns

Fahad Siadat, composer and director, See-A-Dot Music Publishing
How composers make a living