Displaying 37 - 48 of 275
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This edition of the American Choral Review focuses on the discipline and practice of conducting.
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In this issue of the Research Memorandum Series, Dr. Sean Linfors provides a brief history of Stephen Paulus’ compositional career, discusses some of his most beloved pieces, and catalogs Paulus’...
Singing in a chorus has a powerfully positive impact on people across generations, as well as on the communities in which they live.
Choruses are increasingly programming choral music that addresses social justice issues. But are we connecting the music performed on stage with the very real social issues in our communities? As...
Our colleagues at GALA Choruses have designed a new workbook to help explore issues of equity, access, and belonging.
Rollo Dilworth
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Do choral directors and their ensembles have the right to perform music from cultures other than their own? If so, then what are the rules or standards by which choral...
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Do your board meetings include robust conversations about matters of consequence that result in strategic descisions being made and acted on? I didn't think so! You're not along, but there...
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Compiled by Dr. Jennifer Flory and Meagan W. Johnson, this issue highlights literature for treble choirs written by American composers in the last 30 years. The index is sorted by...
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The lead article documents Shaw’s early years and his rise as a professional conductor with FredWaring and the Pennsylvanians, as well as his process of developing an understanding of choral...
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An anti-harassment policy provides guidelines for preventing sexual harassment and helping your chorus respond appropriately to any claims. Your chorus’s employees, leadership, and other key constituents should read and sign...
Our Chorus Operations Survey is the most comprehensive source of data available on choruses and the choral field. The information gathered helps choruses make better decisions about programming, budgeting, staffing...
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In the age of Instagram and viral videos, the ability to connect with students, colleagues, and audiences online has changed from a convenience to a necessity. In many cases, the...