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Putting Chorus America’s Tools to Work for Your Chorus

Session Type
Special Event/Performance
Session Subtype
Breakout Session
Conference Topics

This interactive session will use our new website to introduce (or refresh your memory about) the wealth of tools at your fingertips to help your chorus thrive. As Chorus America members, you have access to the data in the Chorus Operations Survey Report, the Chorus Impact Study, and the tools and templates developed for our best-selling book, The Chorus Leadership Guide. In addition, you can take advantage of the Nonprofit Chorus Self-Evaluation Tool, to help you evaluate your efforts in nine different areas. Scavenger hunt through these various resources online with your guide, our director of membership services, and discover/remember how they can help you with grant writing, budgeting, strengthening your board, and running your day-to-day operations. (Along the way, we’re excited to introduce you to some of the bells and whistles of our new website, too!)