Government Affairs Update: Webinar FAQ, President Orders Elimination of IMLS, and More

Picture of capital with words "government affairs update"

Last week, Chorus America hosted a webinar on the President’s Actions and their impact on the choral field.  Many of the participants’ questions touched upon the National Endowment for the Arts, state arts agencies, addressing the DEI Executive Orders, impact of the gender ideology orders, and if nonprofit organizations are allowed to advocate or lobby.

To help answer many of these questions, Chorus America has created a Government Affairs Resource Page, which will be updated as we continue to develop answers to frequently asked questions.

How Are State Art Agencies Being Impacted by the President’s Executive Orders?

At this time, state arts agencies (SAAs) have received no specific guidance from the National Endowment for the Arts pertaining to the President’s Executive Orders.  In addition, not all state arts agency grants are made with federal dollars and their matching support.  SAAs receive funding from the state government, private donations, and more, so grant requirements can vary widely from state to state.

State arts agencies are open for business!  Stay in close contact with your agency.  We do not want constituents to miss out on opportunities for support.

As a Nonprofit, Am I Allowed to Advocate and Lobby? Yes!

Many choral organizations and their constituents may be operating under a false belief that they cannot advocate or lobby. That is not true. According to the IRS, tax exempt organizations can seek to influence legislation that is mission related as long as the organization does not spend a substantial amount of its annual expenditures on lobbying expenses.
Tax exempt organizations can also conduct unlimited issue advocacy, including providing resources, education, and bi-partisan information to policy makers and the public.  

What can choral organizations not do?  Influence an election!  Do NOT engage in partisan electioneering.  Do NOT try to get one candidate elected over another.  Just stay neutral and be a source of education and information during an election.

Read the IRS Resource here.

How Do I Contact My Legislators?

1.    Find contact information for your policymakers here
2.    Write them an email or call their DC and district office.

  • Tell them you are a constituent in their district.
  • Tell them why you are contacting them (impact on your work from a new policy, etc.)
  • Be specific (We have lost a grant worth $X; We had to cancel a tour; etc.)
  • Invite them to your performances

3.    Thank the Legislator and their staff for their work to represent you.

President Orders the Elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services

On Friday, March 14, the President released a new Executive Order calling for the elimination of several government agencies, including the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a vital support agency for our  nation’s museums and libraries.  To learn more and take action, visit the American Alliance for Museum’s Action Alert here.

Congress Passes FY25 Budget 

On Friday, March 14, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government through September 2025.  Congress was under pressure to pass a budget bill or have the government shut down.  Generally speaking, a CR funds the government at level funding to the prior year.  However, the President’s Administration will continue efforts to downside the federal government.  Chorus America is tracking the budget closely and will provide specific updates on the funding level for the National Endowment for the Arts as it becomes available.

Amy Fitterer is a dynamic leader in association management, government affairs, and the performing arts. She has consulted for OPERA America and Partners in Performance, supporting advocacy and strategic planning efforts. As Executive Director of Dance/USA (2011–2020), she led its transformation into a more equitable and financially strong organization, launching initiatives like Dance/USA Fellowships to Artists. Previously, she directed government affairs for OPERA America and Dance/USA, successfully advocating for arts funding and policy improvements. A former ballet dancer and pianist, Amy holds degrees from Indiana University and Columbia University. She lives in northern Virginia with her family and enjoys dance, music, and fitness.