Advertise in The Voice

Who reads The Voice?

Nearly 2,000 choral leaders receive the Voice in print, and over 3,500 members receive it digitally. Music directors, chorus executive directors and administrators, composers, singers, board members, music businesses, arts organizations, and libraries are readers of the Voice magazine. The Voice is distributed as a benefit of Chorus America membership.

94 percent of readers rate the quality of content and level of writing in The Voice as good or excellent

50 percent save each copy for future reference

52 percent share their copies with at least 1 or more other people

Regular advertisers include tour companies, festivals and workshops, music publishers, composers, technology and equipment companies, and a broad range of choruses

2024-25 Publishing Schedule

The Voice will be published on a 3-issue schedule in 2024-25. Please find our advertising deadlines for the upcoming year below. 

IssueReservation Deadline      Artwork Due Delivery Date 
Fall/Winter 2024September 20October 17November  
Spring 2025February 21March 5March
Summer 2025April 21May 5June
Reserve Your Ad

Complete and submit the following reservation form to [email protected]:


Advertising rates for the Voice are among the most economical in the arts. Chorus America business, affiliate, and chorus members are eligible for substantial discounts. Reserve for one full year (see "3x Rate") to receive the lowest rates.

2024-25 Advertising Rates

Size3x Rate (per ad)  Fall/Winter or Spring Issue (1x Rate)Summer Conference Issue       
Full Page$1,250$1,775 ($1,450 members)             $1,950 ($1,550 members)
2/3 Vertical $975$1,400 ($1,150 members)$1,500 ($1,250 members)
1/2 Horizontal $850$1,125 ($975 members)$1,225 ($1,050 members)
1/3 Vertical $700$925 ($800 members)$1,000 ($875 members)
1/3 Square $700$925 ($800 members)$1,000 ($875 members)
1/6 Vertical $525$650 ($575 members)$700 ($625 members)
1/9 Vertical $425$500 ($450 members)$525 ($475 members)
Covers$1,525$2,100 ($1,775 members)$2,250 ($1,950 members)
Center Spread$1,775$2,600 ($2,100 members)$2,800 ($2,325 members)
Black and White Option

Would you prefer a solution to decrease your ad cost? You can save $250 if you choose to run your ad in black and white (instead of color).

Pre-payment for 3x Reservations

Get 5% off by pre-paying for a full year of Voice ads (3 issues) when your order is placed.


Ad Sizes

Full Page with Bleed

8.75" w x 11.25" h


Full Page No Bleed

7.5" w x 10" h










2/3 Vertical 

4.75" w x 9.75" h            


1/2 Horizontal

7.5" w x 4.75" h


1/3 Square 

4.75" w x 4.75" h


1/3 Vertical 

2.5" w x 9.75" h













1/6 Vertical 2.5" w x 4.75" h 1/9 Vertical 2.5" w x 3" h








Cover Options  


Inside Front or Inside Back Cover with Bleed

8.75" w x 11.25" h                        


Inside Front or Inside Back Cover No Bleed

7.5" w x 10" h


Back Cover with Bleed

8.75" w x 8.875" h


Back Cover No Bleed

7.5" w x 7.75" h


Center Spread Options


Center Spread with Bleed

17.25" w x 11.25" h


Center Spread No Bleed

16" w x 10" h



Mechanical Requirements

Ads MUST be submitted according to the specifications outlined above—advertiser is responsible for design fees incurred adjusting ads to fit published specifications.

Color: Non-color ads, including logos and images used within the ad, MUST be black & white; 4-color ads must be in CMYK. No RGB or spot color art accepted.

Digital Requirements: Minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Preferred format is press-quality PDF, TIFF, or JPEG. Advertiser is responsible for resolution quality of ad submitted. Ads also accepted in MAC format: InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3, and Photoshop CS3. PC files accepted in Illustrator with fonts converted to outlines. Other PC formats may require font substitution. All placed images, fonts, and file specifications must be included.

Trim size: 8.5" x 11"

Binding: Saddle-stitched

A Note about Bleed Ads: Sizes above include 0.125" bleed on all sides. All non-bleeding information, such as type and logos, should be within 0.25" from the trim edge. Bleed must be included on artwork and crop marks offset by 0.125".



Contact business development manager Mike Rowan at [email protected] or schedule a 30-minute conversation with Mike.