Joseph To

Joseph To is a highly accomplished music director with various music organizations across the Pacific Northwest, including the Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle, the Magnolia Chorale, Northminster Presbyterian Church, and as a teacher for orchestras at Washington Middle School, Seattle Public School. With a master's degree in conducting and a bachelor's degree in music education, Joseph's passion for world music, especially Chinese and Norwegian choral music, illuminates his expertise. He has conducted extensive research and delivered captivating presentations on Mandarin and Cantonese choral music, as well as Southeast Asian choral music, effectively integrating ethnomusicology into secondary music education.

In addition to his roles, Joseph serves as the World Music and Culture Repertoire and Resources Chair for the Washington Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (WAACDA). His remarkable contributions to the community earned him the prestigious "Outstanding Emerging Choral Director" award from WAACDA in 2022. Joseph is actively involved as a presenter on ethnomusicology at local and regional music conferences, demonstrating his steadfast commitment to fostering Access, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) in choral music-making. Through his leadership, he ensures that every individual has a meaningful and inclusive musical experience.