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Opening Night Concert: Boston City Singers, Jameson Singers, and Boston Gay Men's Chorus

Birds & Bees - 207 S. Broadway
Session Subtype

Boston City Singers offers musical training programs for young people ages 4-18 in and around Boston. The organization's 45-voice Tour Choir will perform a program on the theme of "Our Dreams" that features vocal traditions from world cultures.

The Jameson Singers will perform music spanning the 15th through the 21st centuries. The program features works by Josqiun Desprez and Brahms, as well as pieces from the Bay Psalm Book and the American Singing Book.

The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus will present a concert intended to inspire change, build community and celebrate difference. Repertoire includes Stephen Schwartz's "Testimony" with lyrics taken from the "It Gets Better" project, Joshua Shank's "Peace," and "You'll Never Walk Alone" from Carousel.