Anne Copiaco

Musician and Arts Administrator

Anne Copiaco is an all-around musician with a knack for leading and organizing projects, groups, and events. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from the UP College of Music, majoring in Choral Conducting. She has represented the country multiple times as a chorister and in leadership roles. She has sung (and won) with her choirs in different choral festivals and competitions around the world, with a recent one being with the Kilyawan Consortium of Voices Children’s Choir winning a Silver Award in the 2024 Singapore International Choral Festival, where she led the group as one of their conductors. As of 2023, she is also the Asia Representative for the YOUNG Committee of the International Federation for Choral Music. Since 2019, she has been involved in certain decision-making processes and in the training of the various groups under the Kilyawan Boys Choir Inc. as a member of their Artistic Staff. Currently, she is pursuing graduate studies at Missouri State University, under the Choral Conducting Program. She is fond of traveling and wishes to experience cultures from all around the world.