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Marketing “Outside-In”: How Youth Choruses Can Use Marketing Research

Session Type
Special Event/Performance
Session Subtype
Breakout Session
Conference Topics
Youth Choruses

Most marketing is inside-out. That is, we use what we know (inside) to tell our story (outside). But, effective marketing is “outside-in”. It uses what we learn from the market (outside) to help us make decisions (inside).
As we all spend resources – time, money, and/or energy – on marketing, how do we make sure we are spending these resources most effectively? Most of us promote based on our impressions and our intuition, but we may not know our “customers” as well as we think. Youth chorus challenges may include competition from other activities, from other arts or music offerings, or from video games. But, how are young people and parents thinking about their options, about chorus in general, and about your offering?
Join us in an exploration of how marketing research takes the guesswork out of marketing, allowing youth choruses to promote based on information about what children and parents perceive, desire, and seek. Using specific examples of research conducted with a youth chorus, you will see how survey results are helping the organization tell its story more effectively.