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Important Issues for Children and Youth Choruses

Session Type
Special Event/Performance
Session Subtype
Breakout Session
Conference Topics
Youth Choruses

A panel of chorus leaders will provide practical advice on topics of specific interest to children and youth ensembles. Attendees will also receive handouts and will leave with an avalanche of helpful information on:
•    How to conduct a background checks for those working with children.
•    Incorporating Music Literacy Activities and Assessment Into Weekly Rehearsals
•    The "serious play" of communal singing
•    Creating a mentoring program where experienced singers help younger singers

Dr. Susan Knight, Founder and Artistic Director Emerita of Festival 500

Emily Ellsworth, Artistic Director, Anima: Young Singers of Greater Chicago
KellyAnn Nelson, Education Program Director, Cincinnati Boychoir
Diane Newcom, Executive Director, Colorado Children's Chorale
Kellie Walsh, Artistic Director Shallaway: Newfoundland and Labrador Youth in Chorus