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Hymn Festival with the National Lutheran Choir

Session Subtype

Hymn Festival: “A Thousand Voices Sing Praise”

The National Lutheran Choir will offer a signature program that combines creative hymnody, exemplary choral literature, and poetic meditations. In the tradition of Paul Manz, these elements create an experience that combines the finest qualities of a choral concert and the spiritual depth of a worship service.

The choral literature includes Kyrie and Agnus Dei by Ola Gjielo; Nunc Dimittis (from All Night Vespers) by Sergei Rachmaninoff; Felix Mendelssohn’s Psalm 2; the spiritual “Hold On” arranged by Joseph Jennings; and two arrangements by artistic director David Cherwien, “To You Before the Close of Day” and “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.” The congregation will sing “All Creatures of Our God and King,” “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “Holy Manna,” and “Love Divine All Loves Excelling.” All will soar in singing Bach’s Dona Nobis Pacem from the B Minor Mass. The meditations are by Susan Palo Cherwien.

The Hymn Festival is open to Chorus America delegates, ACF Choral Connections delegates, and the public.