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Friday Morning Plenary Session with Laura Zucker

Session Type
Special Event/Performance
Session Subtype
Plenary Session

From Artist to Arts Manager

As we move from being artists to arts managers, we often don’t realize how well our arts practice has prepared us to run vibrant organizations. Running or providing stewardship to an arts organization can—and should—draw on all our creative knowledge. Let's unlock everything we’ve learned through years of rehearsals about process and collaboration to achieve great organizational results. Join Laura Zucker, executive director of the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and director of the Masters in Arts Management program at Claremont Graduate University as she shares her story of balancing her artistic roots with her work as an arts administrator and educator. This plenary will also include the ASCAP Awards presentation.

Session Host: Catherine Peterson, secretary of the board, Chorus America; executive director, ArtsBoston

ASCAP Awards Presenter: Jessica O’Shea, concert licensing account manager, ASCAP

  • Chorus America/ASCAP Awards for Adventurous Programming
  • Chorus America/ASCAP Alice Parker Award