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Donor Soirée (by invitation)

Colonial Dames of America, 1630 Latimer Street
Session Subtype
Special Event


Compliments of ACFEA Tour Consultants, first-time Chorus America donors of $100 or higher or Sustaining Level donors or higher ($100+) who renew and upgrade their previous gifts by $50 will receive an invitation to this special donor appreciation event. Donors will enjoy wine and bountiful hors d'oeuvres before the Opening Night Concert on Wednesday, June 26, and will be entered into a drawing for a free 2020 Conference registration. When you make your gift with your Conference registration, you will receive a special invitation in June with event details.

It's easy to make a qualifying gift to receive your Soirée invitation. Text CHORUS to 56512, or visit the Donor Table at Conference.