Wendy White

Wendy White returned to her native Fort Collins in 2007 after a 30-year career at the National Academy of Sciences. While at the NAS, Ms. White managed the international office and helped develop scientific networks in almost 50 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. She has degrees in French and history; a master's degree in library science; and a post-graduate certificate in publishing. Since 2010, she has thoroughly enjoyed her encore career as the executive director of the Larimer Chorale. She was featured in the summer 2015 Voice article, "The One-Person Everything Shop," and has presented and led affinity sessions at the Chorus America Conference. Wendy loves telling the story of the Larimer Chorale and is particularly proud of her role in launching the outreach program, Singing for Seniors, a program that won Chorus America's Education and Community Engagement Award in 2013.