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Choruses for Older Adults: The Continuum of Choral Care

Commonwealth B & C
Session Type
Special Event/Performance
Session Subtype
Breakout Session

A growing body of research demonstrates the health benefits of choral singing throughout our lifetimes. Choruses for older adults are growing in popularity and playing an increasingly important role in the continuum of choral care. Such groups provide a fulfilling choral experience to aging adults—and a social safety net to a community at risk of becoming lonely and isolated. Case studies from the Silvertones, a program of the Larimer Chorale, and Encore Chicago, part of the Encore Creativity for Older Adults network will demonstrate how these choruses expanded their program offerings to serve the older adults in their towns. Representatives from these programs will discuss best practices, unique challenges, and how thinking outside the box helped them meet community needs—social, health, and more—in new ways.