
Displaying 13 - 24 of 564
Border CrosSing El Mesias
In recent years, a growing number of choruses and choral projects have approached Handel’s Messiah through new perspectives, bringing this hallmark of the Western European cannon into dialogue with a...
Music Education Partnership Grants - Grand Vision Foundation
Grant recipients from Chorus America’s Music Education Partnership Grants program share how they used group singing to create a sense of community and belonging through their projects.
Voice cover Fall-Winter 2022
The digital edition of our Fall/Winter 2023 issue of the Voice is now available! The latest issue includes feature articles on new approaches to Handel's Messiah, reflections from our inaugural...
Stephanie Helleckson
While big-picture marketing concepts can feel overwhelming initially, understanding how they apply to your chorus will help structure your marketing efforts and reach more people.
Brea(d)th was premiered in May 2023 by the Minnesota Orchestra, Minnesota Chorale, and 29:11 International Exchange.
Conductors are accustomed to having the answers. We are experts at in-depth research and analysis, careful planning, and usually answer questions before people even realize they have them. It can...
The increasing decline of funding for music education in public schools in the United States and Canada has led to a massive gap in students’ education and access to music...
The digital edition of our Summer/Conference 2023 issue of the Voice is here! Read more for a letter from the president & CEO Catherine Dehoney on collaborations that move the...
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These practical strategies will help you refocus and reinspire your board. The past three years have been challenging ones for nonprofit boards. During the pandemic, some board members leaned in...
Three choral leaders who participated in Chorus America’s ADEI Learning Lab share what happened when they brought what they learned back to their own organizations. What worked, what shifted, and...
Born in the Bronx, raised in Alaska and Texas, and now based in Oakland, Melanie DeMore is a singer/composer, choral conductor, music director, and three-time Grammy nominee. Describing herself as...
The digital edition of our Spring 2023 issue of the Voice is here! Read more for a letter from the president & CEO Catherine Dehoney on the step-by-step process behind...
Young singers returning to choruses face new social and emotional challenges. In response, choral leaders and their organizations are making changes to programs to offer more support.