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Do I need to participate in the full Institute or can I choose to do just one of the courses as a standalone program?

At this time, Chorus America is offering the Institute as a full program only, with all courses designed to be completed by the same individual. Certificates will be issued for those who complete all the courses included in the Institute.

How do I participate in this online program? 

The Institute will be offered through a Learning Management System called Canvas. Participants will get information about how to login and access the program the week before we begin.

First time in an online learning course? Not to worry. Our staff is ready to help answer questions and help make sure everyone is comfortable using the system.

What will a typical week of the Institute look like?

You can expect your work each week will include instructional video content, selected readings, discussion with other members of your cohort, and an assignment or quiz. You’ll also have an opportunity to take part in optional faculty office hours. To get the most out of the Institute, you should plan to spend approximately 3 hours per week on your work. Some weeks with cumulative assignments might take longer and some introduction weeks may be shorter. 

I’m going on vacation for a week during the program. Can I skip a week of the curriculum and make it up later?

Yes! The program is designed to allow a full week for participants to complete the assignments, so you can organize your work around your schedule.

Offline for a full week? Complete your assignments once you are back online and you’ll still be eligible for the Online Chorus Management Institute credential. The program is designed so that you’ll gain the most from staying on pace each week, but leaves flexibility if you need it.

Have a question we didn't cover here?

Please contact Director of Programs and Member Services Christie McKinney at or 202.331.7577 x250.