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Who Should Participate?
  • Identifying as Experiencing Privilege.  The Fall 2024 offering of the ADEI Learning Lab specifically focuses on confronting issues of race, racism, Whiteness, and White supremacy culture that are relevant in choral music. Thus, we anticipate that individuals who feel they have experienced privilege in this context would identify as White – though we acknowledge the nuances and complexities that these identities can involve.
  • Multiple Participants in Your Organization.  Moving systemic change forward after the program ends is hard on your own. We strongly encourage participants to register with a partner from their organization, or a third person as well. Experiencing the program together can prevent the next steps of working within your organization from falling on one person and becoming overwhelming.

If you would like more information to help you consider whether this program sounds right for you, we encourage you to visit our FAQ page or contact us at for additional details and guidance.

Time Commitment
  • Four-week program length
  • 90 minutes per week of live interactive guided discussion
  • Approximately 2-3 hours per week of reading and assignments
  • Attendance at live Learning Lab sessions is required (two options are offered for each session)
  • The Learning Lab will be administered using Canvas, an interactive, user-friendly learning management system.
  • The content consists of two units; the first half focuses on individual identity and experiences, while the second half focuses on how we translate these basic individual principles into our choruses. 
  • The schedule consists of a live interactive session each week, offered at two different times (participants can choose the time that works for them), with readings and assignments between sessions that participants complete on their own time.
  • Live sessions will include conversations with guest choral leaders who are, and have been, engaged in intentional, tangible ADEI work with their organizations. Participants will have opportunities to hear the approaches, challenges, and successes of their peers in taking on this work, and to ask questions as they consider what’s next for their choruses.
Schedule of Live Sessions

*Attendance at live Learning Lab sessions is required. Each weekly lab will be offered twice: Wednesday 4:30-6:00pm ET and Friday 2:30-4:00pm ET; participants choose one per week to attend.

  • Opening Session - Monday, October 28 | 2:00-3:30pm ET
  • Week 1 - Oct. 30, 4:30-6pm ET OR Nov. 1, 2:30-4pm ET
  • Week 2 - Nov. 6, 4:30-6pm ET OR Nov. 8, 2:30-4pm ET
  • Week 3 - Nov. 13, 4:30-6pm ET OR Nov. 15, 2:30-4pm ET
  • Week 4 - Nov. 20, 4:30-6pm ET OR Nov. 22, 2:30-4pm ET
  • Closing Session - Monday, November 25 | 2:00-3:30pm ET
Click Here for Rates and Registration Info