Chorus America Updates Awards Program

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Chorus America has made a series of updates to our awards program in preparation for opening applications for 2024 awards in late November. These updates are based on recommendations from a task force convened by Chorus America’s board over the past year with the goal of streamlining the awards process and aligning the awards program with our mission and vision as defined by the FY 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. 

Our awards recognize Chorus America members for a broad range of achievements in choral music and service to the choral field.  

Changes to Awards 

In addition to the previously announced transition of the Dale Warland Singers Commission Award to the Dale Warland Singers Commission Grant, the following award changes will apply beginning with this year’s awards cycle. 

The Distinguished Service Award has been renamed the Michael Korn Distinguished Service Award in honor of Chorus America founder and first president Michael Korn. This award honors a Chorus America member whose contributions in an artistic or administrative capacity have had a national and/or international impact on the choral field and furthered Chorus America’s mission and vision. In its new iteration, the Michael Korn Distinguished Service Award incorporates the purpose and honors the legacy of the former Michael Korn Founders Award for Development of the Professional Choral Art (a lifetime achievement honoring an artistic leader for significant contributions to the professional choral art). 

The Louis Botto Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship continues to recognize a mid-career conductor for furthering the mission of their ensemble or organization. Previously, only conductors of professional or professional-core choruses were eligible to receive this award; the award will now rotate through a three-year cycle to recognize mid-career conductors of professional, adult volunteer, and children/youth choruses, reflecting the full breadth of Chorus America’s membership. For the 2024 awards cycle, this award will be open to conductors of adult volunteer choruses.  

Streamlined and Standardized Application Process for All Awards 

As part of our awards updates, Chorus America has streamlined and standardized our application process across all awards. We have reviewed requirements to make sure all tasks and materials are necessary for the adjudication of the awards and updated language throughout. Submission requirements will now consist of responses to a series of questions for each award and we have developed rubrics to which applicants and panelists can refer.  

In addition to the Michael Korn Distinguished Service Award and the Louis Botto Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, our 2024 awards program includes: 

  • The Brazeal Wayne Dennard Award, recognizing individuals or organizations whose work furthers diverse African American choral traditions and demonstrates a long-term commitment to access, diversity, equity, and inclusion.   
  • The Margaret Hillis Award for Artistic and Organizational Achievement, given to a chorus in recognition of sustained artistic accomplishments and organizational strength. 
  • The Alice Parker Fund Award, recognizing the composition and thoughtful presentation of choral music based in the traditions of Black and Latinx communities. 
  • The Education and Community Engagement Award, recognizing outstanding education and community engagement programs.  

We look forward to sharing more details about updated application processes as we open award applications at the end of November. The deadline to submit award applications will be Wednesday, January 31.