
Displaying 553 - 559 of 559
What image comes to mind when you hear the term founder transition? Do you think tempest? Do you think sunset cruise? During my work as an arts management consultant I...
You may think that choruses are immune from the transformations that will result from the business and ethics crises that beset politicians and corporations. Far from it. Ethics touches every...
Few performing arts organizations need to be told they are unique. To start with, the leadership structure of performing arts groups is as distinctive from other nonprofits as performing arts...
Ask these seven questions to start laying the foundation for an ethics program for your chorus, as recommended in " A New Ethics Environment" by Michael Daigneault, Esq.
Can we translate the good news of Chorus America's "chorus impact study" into larger audiences for choral music?
A crisis is an unwelcome visitor in any organization, but you can minimize its impact with a crisis management plan—here's how to craft yours.
Whether affiliated or independent, symphony choruses travel many roads to success.